It's 100% free
Earn money while adding value as a community leader
Zapid Hire helps businesses unlock new talent in communities just like yours. Help your audience snag awesome job opportunities today!

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How it works
There are two ways to add value to your community, whilst making money on Zapid hire. Choose one of the options below to learn more.
Zapid builds you a personalised job board... for free!
Companies request to add jobs to your page. Once added, let your community know.
Get paid each month for jobs & applications.
Promote jobs & get paid
Sick of constantly creating content to earn an income as a creator?
With Zapid Hire you can now earn money simply by promoting your job board. Earn extra $$ with every application you get. It's that easy.
Example video
Invite awesome people in your community
to join your talent pool.
to join your talent pool.
From your invitations, select the highest-quality talent to join.
Companies pay a subscription to access your curated talent pool.
Promote talent via talent pools
Creator talent pools allow you to highlight awesome members in your community. Businesses can subscribe to your talent pool & request directly to connect with your members.
1. Promote jobs & get paid
Sick of constantly creating content to earn an income as a creator?
With Zapid Hire you can now earn money simply by promoting your job board. Earn extra $$ with every application you get. It's that easy.
Zapid builds you a personalised job board... for free!
Companies request to add jobs to your page. Promote these jobs to your community.
Get paid each month for jobs & applications.
Example video
2. Promote talent via talent pools
Talent pools allow you to highlight awesome members in your community. Businesses can subscribe to your talent pool & request directly to connect with your members.
Invite awesome people in your community
to join your talent pool.
to join your talent pool.
From your invitations, accept the highest-quality talent to join.
Companies pay a subscription to access your curated talent.
Let us explain in 1 minute
Easy money
Zapid Hire has paid out over $500k to our creator & influencer communities.
We are very proud of our fast-growing community of influencers of all niches, types and ages.
Our creators have helped over 5000+ applicants apply to their dream job.
Join the community
500k+ followers
Annie "her speaking coach"
70k+ followers
Brisbane Food Adventures
20k+ followers
328+ influencers
Need more info. See our common questions below.
I have an online community, tell me how does it all work?
With Zapid Hire there are two major ways to help your community find jobs & get paid. 1) Promoting your career page, which Zapid Hire builds for you free of charge. 2) Creating & curating your own talent pool. Companies can request to access your talent pool for a monthly subscription.
What is this new Influencer recruitment category Zapid Hire is pioneering?
Zapid Hire works with the top hospitality, retail, sales & marketing online communities. Companies can tap directly into these creator & influencer networks to source great talent. We’ve built a platform for industry leading chefs, bartenders, baristas & marketers to share their networks with companies looking for talent.
I'm an influencer, how do career pages work?
Zapid Hire builds you a personalised career page (also known as a job board). Companies request to post jobs to your page. if you accept, jobs are added to your career page and your community & audience can apply to these jobs! We always recommend including your career page link on your socials & Linktree.
I'm an influencer, what is a talent pool?
Zapid Hire provide you the creator / influencer the infrastructure to highlight awesome talent in your community. Talent pools work in three easy steps. 1) You the creator invite awesome people in your network or audience to join your talent pool. 2) From the invited candidates, you the creator can curate & select a group of high-quality talent to join. 3) Businesses then request access, paying a monthly subscription to access your talent pool.
How much can I make on Zapid Hire?
Our top creators & influencers are making over $5k a month. The biggest earners promote their job board & talent pool consistently to their audience ensuring their links are visible across all socials & Linktree.
I'm a business, how do talent pools work?
Zapid will connect your account with communities that match your candidate search criteria. I.e looking for bartenders? we will automatically add all bartender talent pools to your search. As new communities are signed up to Zapid, relevant communities & the candidates in these communities are automatically added to your feed. All you need to do is start reaching out to candidates!
Can anyone apply?
Yes! Simply click the sign up button on the website and one of the team will be in contact with you.